Just a few questions for a Tuesday:
You get pulled over, what's the most probable reason?I am speeding – of course I am speeding…I take after my entire family of lead foots.
If you could change your eye color would you?Since Momma Moore has referred to my eye color as “turd-muckeldy-dum” on many occasions, of course I would change my eye color. I would change it to just pure blue – no muckeldy-dum
Is it easy to annoy you?I would say so. No bitching, complaining, talking with your mouth full, smacking your gum, stupid questions and even more stupid answers, questioning of my decisions, passive aggressive remarks, not listening or short man syndrome – other than those minor things, I don’t get annoyed at all.
Are there certain things that can't be joked about, if anything?Yes. Anything implying that I am not the greatest is just not fair!
What's the earliest you've gotten up to shop on Black Friday?I did go to Target one Black Friday morning – but soon after hitting the doorway and seeing all of the things that annoy me, I quickly left. And I am not returning on that day EVER!
On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at wrapping gifts?8. Now – I wrap my gifts to look perfect. But by the time they travel south to my destination, they almost always look like I have sent them through the U.S. Postal Service for delivery - wrapping paper hanging everywhere, gift flopping out, box smashed to smitherines.
Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself?If by "fool" you mean falling down stairs after taking a modeling class, then yes. If by “fool” you mean falling between two boats into the water when trying to go from one to the other, then yes. If by “fool” you mean screwing up the scripture at your uncle’s funeral, then yes.
Have you ever read a book in one day?I have – but I am surprised that my OCD or ADD doesn’t kick in well before the end.
Has your significant other ever broken your heart?If by broken heart you mean that the man of your life has gotten down on his hands and knees and scrubbed the entire house (and I mean deep clean!), nope…can’t say that has ever happened. If you mean made me cry so loud the neighbors wondered which dog was howling this time, maybe – but only because he was going on another fabulous work trip without me!!