
Friday, February 6, 2009 foot!

So remember how I wrote on Jan. 14 how much I despised Valentine's Day? Well foot. I guess that wonderful day means something to others - and there will be a huge celebration for the Moore family that day! JULIE IS GETTING MARRIED!! And I couldn't be happier.

Yep - you read it here first, Julie and her sweetheart, Farmer Brad, are tying the knot on February 14, 2009. It is going to be a small family, but beautiful, ceremony at Mom & Dad's church. I am going to be the paparazzi while everyone else is going to enjoy the moment - well...except Sophi - she is insisting on being the flower girl. For those of you I had told about the beautiful beach wedding we were helping Julie plan for the 1st week in June - disregard those plans and back up 106 days. A WEDDIN' IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!

You know - I have to say - Brad just may be one of the best things that has ever happened to Jules. (Awwwww.....) Probably having TiggerMan (aka Tyler) is probably the best thing and then having little sisters like me and Nia are pretty great too. Somewhere after that falls Farmer Brad. I can't tell you enough how excited I am to have a new brother-in-law - he is such a great person and actually likes to spend time with our crazy family. Anybody willing to put up with us is a Saint! (Okay - we aren't THAT bad....but I am just sayin'.)

Farmer Brad - here is my advice to you:
  • You now have another family to please... Dad is the bashful one - but watch his humor it comes up on your fast - you better laugh when it does. Mom is the crowd pleaser - she tries to please everyone...recognize this and quickly...she will literally do anything for you (& Dad too.) Ronnie can give you a hug for no reason because "brothers gotta hug" - watch him around meal time too. Shania is the talker...don't try to beat her on the Wii - she kicks butt. Angel is the quieter one...but the girls make up for that! Blaine...well...he is the family chef - especially on vacation....just call him Martha. Me? Well...I am easy to get along with (quit rolling your eyes, everyone!)... I am the planner (okay - OCD on planning) can even ignore my excessive planning but just pretend you aren't.

  • You better treat Julie & Tyler great (I know you will.)

  • You better treat the dogs like kings (or Julie will make you sleep in the doghouse.)

  • Never move Julie far away from her family - we would be sad and mad at you. Actually - you can move her to Jefferson City - that would be fine with me.

Julie - here is my advice to you:

  • ENJOY! The past is the past - and you got one heck of a great future ahead!!

Congratulations to you both. Valentine's Day will never be the same!!!

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