
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby, Baby, Baby!

There is a baby on board - and it is NOT mine. Actually, there are lots of people with baby brain which got me to thinking about babies (not to mention - there are a few people at work that act like babies...but we won't go into that!)

First, my good friends, the Smith's (Shandon & Kristina from Illinois), are expecting a new addition to their family this August. I cannot wait to see this little peanut! I just know Baby Smith will come out with highlighted hair carrying a Vera Bradley bag!

Second, my cousin Ricky and his wife Dana are expecting a baby girl this year - they just found out it was a girl and oh so very excited. Congrats to them!

And third, Blaine called me today to say that we were going to be an uncle and aunt. After informing him that we already are an uncle and aunt (to some fabulous nieces and a nephew), he told me that Ashley (his sister) and her husband Adam are expecting. (They recently went through in vitro and are only about a week along.) Congrats to them!! I am hoping to see a new baby(s) by November!! I can't wait to go shopping for baby gifts!

Now all of this got me to thinking - motherhood has become so much more publicized than it was back in the day. There are many debates on how you should raise your kids, to breastfeed or not to breastfeed, lay them on their bellies don't lay them on their bellies - where do you even begin? It seems as if everyone has an opinion. Do those opinions come with just being a mother with the perfect child? Makes me wonder....

Here is one thing I know for sure - when/if I become pregnant, you will be the last to know. Yes, you - all of you. To me (and no disrespect to anyone else), I want to be able to cherish the moment (just Blaine and I) as long as I can before the opinions start rolling in. I once had someone ask me to tell them when Blaine and I started trying to get pregnant so they could do the same. That's just plain weird to me. And that is not going to happen - I am never going to declare to the world "Hello....anyone out there? Blaine and I are thinking of having children!!!" Never gonna happen.

That is my soap box for the day. I guess the only way you will know is if I start getting fat. But please, don't start noticing my weight. Old age has already added 15 pounds - wait...have I been pregnant for the last 5 years? Damn!

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