
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daytime Television - UGH

For all of you that work during our weekdays, you will agree that you sometimes long for the days of staying at home and watching daytime television. Unfortunately for me, I have been forced to stay home the past two days. And what have I done? Plopped my butt on the recliner and watched hour after hour of daytime TV. (I recently hurt my back - working out at the gym...pathetic I know - and haven't been able to do anything but sit here.)
I have watched lots of TV over the past couple of days. I have seen extreme anorexia and multiple personalities on Dr. Phil, politics on the TODAY Show, hot topics on The View and couples fighting obesity on Montel. Throw in a couple of episodes of Judge Judy and UGH...get me out of this recliner!!
Geez...daytime television is depressing. Although these programs make my boring little life look great, watching some of these disturbed individuals is just sad. I guess I could have watched Erica Cane on All My Children but that would have whisked me back to the days when Julie and Ronnie had to babysit me while Mom & Dad worked...and no one wants to go back to those days!

Here's to hoping that I get to return to work tomorrow!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Blaine and I journeyed to Springfield on Sunday night to get some house stuff shopping done on Monday. It was a great day to drive from store to store making decisions on flooring, doors, brick, cultured stone and shingles. I think that I got a lot accomplished. We even loaded up four copper finials for our rooftop (Mom calls these lightening rods - which is a little creepy - but I still love them.)
After our shopping, we headed out to Republic to visit Mom, Dad and Shania and pick up our doghter, Katie. While there, Shania and I had to squeeze a couple of quick Karaoke runs...."I'm the F to the E, R, G the I the E...and can't no other lady put it down like me!"

I think that it should be "I'm the S to the H, A, N the I the A...and can't no other lady put it down like me!"
Shania knows how to rock the Karaoke on the Wii. Rock on, Nia!! They'll be lining down the block to watch what you got, sista!!

I still love the lake in the winter!

I don't think that there is a time of year that I don't love the lake.

Blaine and I joined up with friends on Saturday night for some long-awaited smoked chicken wings at Shorty Pants (our favorite hangout) and then headed over to Jason & Cari's new hacienda for some poker playing. It was a great time by all (except for my constant sniffles and chronic cough I have developed - the cat lurking in the basement didn't help either.)

As we crossed over Grand Glaize bridge, I couldn't help but long for hot days in the summer cruising through the waves, beautiful sunset ahead headed to Shorty Pants. Instead, the green Ford Truck was giving me my ride. Not quite the same....

I am counting the days until the first Harbor Hop!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Penny for My Thoughts...

Blaine and I had the opportunity to visit the Denver Mint on our recent trip to Colorado. We found this exciting (since we are complete nerds). The artifacts just past the Security gates were amazing. There was so much history including money used in biblical times, fools gold from the Gold Rush and ancient gems which were beautiful.

Did you know that this Mint produces 50 million coins a day? Yes, I said a day. The coin produced the most is the penny. I am not so sure why we still have pennies since the good ole days of penny candy are far from gone...according to my Mom & Dad who probably tromped 10 miles in the 12 inch snow each day (one way) to get to school.

My favorite part of this Mint tour was learning about the newest quarter to hit vending machines soon.

"O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A...where the wind goes sweeping down the plains!!"

As the tour guide described the quarter, I couldn't help but recite this musical in my head. (I think that I learned it in 1st or 2nd grade probably during the Peanut Festival in Marlow.) I was amazed to find out that "Okla" means "red" and "Homa" means "people." Blaine's ears even perked up since he claims to be more Indian than me...which he is not. (He refers to himself as Chief Dirtybutt from the Nowipey Tribe - and would absolutely kill me if he knew I shared that, so let's move on.)

I was able to nab a couple of Oklahoma quarters before they hit the streets. Okay fine, I didn't steal them like they would have on National Treasure...I simply purchased them quarter for quarter. The best investment I think that I have made lately!!

If you haven't been to a Mint, it is worth the time. And that folks is my two cents...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hope you all are having a great Valentine's Day. This day symbolizes Hallmark's hottest way to sell lots of V-Day cards and flower shops to make a fortune. Recently, while spending many hours in the car, I heard a commercial stating that when Valentine's Day falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, chocolate is the number one gift. Ironically, this message was "brought to you by" a chocolate company. (Give me a break!)

Fortunately for Blaine, I don't buy into all of the mushy gushy Valentine's stuff. I don't like waiting for 3 hours to be seated at my favorite restaurant and I don't like candy too much, so I could do without the day completely. I did invest in the overpriced chocolate-covered strawberries yesterday. Who can really pass those up?
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE gifts...but they don't have to come on V-day! Any day of the week will work for me. (Yes...that was a hint!)
Happy Heart Day!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back Home & Cold!

Why is it that I can venture out to the Rocky Mountains, climb to 12,000 feet elevation and still be warmer than I am now in Missouri? It is frigid today in mid-Missouri. We rolled into to Jefferson City last night at about 10 p.m. and it was 11 degrees. What the heck???

Our stay in Colorado was very fun and a great get-away...even though Blaine is a slave-driver when it comes to snowboarding. Overall, I had a great time and can now actually call myself a snowboarder!

I will have to admit - after a terrible day on Saturday of spending all of my time on the ground and having the ultimate embarrassment - I actually loved my time on the mountain on Monday. I spent a half day making my way up and down the mountain and even did what most would not believe - I accomplished two successful runs down the black diamonds - a great accomplishment for my non-athletic, clumsy self!! (In case you are wondering, the slopes have green (the easiest), blue (the medium difficulty and can look intimidating when you look down) and black (the holy sh!t...I am going down that slope.) I MADE IT DOWN THE BLACK (and on purpose!)

I liked it so much....when can I go back? (Now who ever thought I would say that?)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain When She Comes...

And it may take a while!! So I have made it to sunny Colorado. Ironically, the weather here has been beautiful. Sunny, blue skies and 50 degree weather. Much better than the Missouri weather!!

I took my first run on the mountain in Winter Park on Saturday afternoon. Boy am I sore. Very sore. Thank God for ibuprofen!! Blaine and I decided to sleep in so we didn't actually hit the first ski lift until about 1 p.m. Perfect for me, I thought - but how did I know it would take me FOREVER to make it down the mountain? I had lost my lift ticket somewhere between the board rental store and a nice soul at the ski lift let me get on saying, "I trust you...just don't come back to the base of the mountain until you are ready to quit snowboarding..the next guy may not let you back on." I guess Blaine and I took that literally as we headed further and further up the mountain.

I will say at first, I was becoming a pretty darn good snowboarder - especially for me (since my non-athletic self prefers lounging on the beach!) But sometime not even halfway down the mountain, I lost all juice - I had NO energy left. Not even a little bit. I was miserable. I hurt all over...oh my butt, oh my thighs, oh my arms....UGH!!! Finally ski patrol showed know those hot guys that I spoke about in other posts...and told us that we were the LAST ones that high up and the mountain was going to close soon - because it was only and hour and a half from darkness. So they gave me a short lift on a snow mobile to get me moving and motivated. Embarrassed, I said, "thanks boys...I can take it from here." And I flipped my hair and hopped off of my snow ride and went on my tears with pain. Poor Blainer helped all he could...but it was helpless. So....about a mile and a half from the base and from food, hope and a cold drink, I crashed...emotionally and physically. I swallowed the little pride I had left and hitched another snow mobile ride down the mountain. This time, the snow mobile driver was a chick - and a not very happy one at that. But I made it down (and that happened to be a very fun ride on a snow mobile that would have cost me $300 to rent.)

And I am living happily ever after....well until I head up the mountain tomorrow afternoon!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Update on Dan the Man

Bad news - the screw is not passing. (And if you do not know what I am talking about...see the picture below...the one where the guy is holding the binoculars...and read that story.) We will know in the coming days of how to repair his loose screw.

Dont' worry, Dad. Britney Spears also has a loose screw!

I think that maybe a quick run to Ameristar Casino just might loosen up the screw and it would be gone forever. Whatcha thinkin', Dan the Man?

My Landlord Responded...

A quick update - my landlord has now spoken to the tenants above me. Now, they either understood completely or now have a hit out on me. Great!! I will keep you updated.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Dear Mother Nature,

For weeks now, we have been sitting and waiting for the concrete floors to be poured for me & Blaine's new hacienda.

Bottom line: Missouri weather sucks!! The old saying, "if you don't like the weather today then stick around until tomorrow, it will change" sucks too (especially when you are trying to pour concrete.)

Dear Mother Nature: I need clear skies and temperatures above 24 degrees for consecutive days please. I am not asking for the moon here, lady. Sincerely, your pal, Misti

I finally complained...

Let me tell is nice to complain sometimes. And I finally did it - I sent a note to my landlord to express my disgust with the lack of insulation in the floors above and my frustration with the neighbors.

Direct quote: "I understand that choosing a lower level unit was our decision, but frankly, I have never lived in an apartment where you hear the neighbors as much as we do. I can take the occasional loud TV, walking noises, sounds from the washer and dryer and other unintentional disturbances. But the noises coming from above are becoming almost unbearable....Last night was a capper -- they began singing Karaoke at sometime around 3:30 in the afternoon, took a break from that (I am assuming to watch the Super Bowl) and continued the Karaoke until after 11:00 p.m. There are only so many times a person can listen to “Eye of the Tiger” without getting very frustrated. Add in a couple of arguments upstairs and a couple of heated phone conversations and it all becomes burdensome."

Not sure if Mr. Landlord cares or not...Bring on the new house - and quickly before I rip my hair out!!