
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hope you all are having a great Valentine's Day. This day symbolizes Hallmark's hottest way to sell lots of V-Day cards and flower shops to make a fortune. Recently, while spending many hours in the car, I heard a commercial stating that when Valentine's Day falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, chocolate is the number one gift. Ironically, this message was "brought to you by" a chocolate company. (Give me a break!)

Fortunately for Blaine, I don't buy into all of the mushy gushy Valentine's stuff. I don't like waiting for 3 hours to be seated at my favorite restaurant and I don't like candy too much, so I could do without the day completely. I did invest in the overpriced chocolate-covered strawberries yesterday. Who can really pass those up?
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE gifts...but they don't have to come on V-day! Any day of the week will work for me. (Yes...that was a hint!)
Happy Heart Day!!

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