
Sunday, February 10, 2008

She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain When She Comes...

And it may take a while!! So I have made it to sunny Colorado. Ironically, the weather here has been beautiful. Sunny, blue skies and 50 degree weather. Much better than the Missouri weather!!

I took my first run on the mountain in Winter Park on Saturday afternoon. Boy am I sore. Very sore. Thank God for ibuprofen!! Blaine and I decided to sleep in so we didn't actually hit the first ski lift until about 1 p.m. Perfect for me, I thought - but how did I know it would take me FOREVER to make it down the mountain? I had lost my lift ticket somewhere between the board rental store and a nice soul at the ski lift let me get on saying, "I trust you...just don't come back to the base of the mountain until you are ready to quit snowboarding..the next guy may not let you back on." I guess Blaine and I took that literally as we headed further and further up the mountain.

I will say at first, I was becoming a pretty darn good snowboarder - especially for me (since my non-athletic self prefers lounging on the beach!) But sometime not even halfway down the mountain, I lost all juice - I had NO energy left. Not even a little bit. I was miserable. I hurt all over...oh my butt, oh my thighs, oh my arms....UGH!!! Finally ski patrol showed know those hot guys that I spoke about in other posts...and told us that we were the LAST ones that high up and the mountain was going to close soon - because it was only and hour and a half from darkness. So they gave me a short lift on a snow mobile to get me moving and motivated. Embarrassed, I said, "thanks boys...I can take it from here." And I flipped my hair and hopped off of my snow ride and went on my tears with pain. Poor Blainer helped all he could...but it was helpless. So....about a mile and a half from the base and from food, hope and a cold drink, I crashed...emotionally and physically. I swallowed the little pride I had left and hitched another snow mobile ride down the mountain. This time, the snow mobile driver was a chick - and a not very happy one at that. But I made it down (and that happened to be a very fun ride on a snow mobile that would have cost me $300 to rent.)

And I am living happily ever after....well until I head up the mountain tomorrow afternoon!!

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