
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Moderation? What's that?

I admit - sometimes I don't take moderation in moderation and I go all out. But that isn't all it? Sure - I went a little overboard on some things with the house some think. Sure - I have lots of shoes (& Blaine claims WAY too many.) Sure - I could sit down and eat an entire "Everything Pizza" from Imo's. But moderation is just for the birds - in some cases.

Another thing that is for the birds are the trees Blaine and I recently purchased. We certainly weren't thinking moderation when we made a trip to a landscaping auction over the weekend just west of Columbia. We knew we were going to get a good deal and were willing to stick it out - through the rain, downpours, sleet, snow, hail, thunder and lightening......did I mention downpour? Seriously folks - the only thing missing during this 3 hour fiasco were two things: 1. the sun & 2. a tornado.

Blaine and I arrived, game plan in hand. We had our rain gear (I love my pink rain boots), the checkbook and a thermos of coffee. What more could we ask for? As the rain kept pelting, I escaped to the truck. Blaine proceeded to bid - and bid - and bid.

The Preston's are now proud owners of 15 trees (large and small, some ornamental, some monumental). In addition, I also have some great looking plants (some I know exactly what they are.....others I have no idea.)

We have Cleveland Pears, Flaming Crab Apples, Candy Mint Sergant Blah Blah Blahs, some cool looking trees shedding bark, a couple of Spring Crab Apples, Japanese Maples - you name it...we at least bid on it. We knew that with the weather conditions, we were getting an incredible deal. Who else other than Blaine and I would weather a storm to buy trees......only about 30 other people - who I would have called absolutely stupid if I hadn't been there.

But all and all - we made out like bandits! Now this spring and summer when the birds are flocking to my beautiful trees, I have only the rain to thank. Oh...and the two gentlemen that helped us immensely.....Thanks Jason for loaning us the trailor! And thanks Todd for using your muscles to help Blaine unload these trees. You two helped out more than you'll ever know. I will call you both to help me clean the bird poop this summer!!

Here are a couple of photos of our trees......

Here are Blaine & Todd unloading some trees from the trusty Watts Construction trailor.

Here is Ike looking on - making sure everything goes smoothly. He was also instrumental in chasing the black Ford around making sure it parked the trailor in the right spot.

How much does a tree weigh anyway? Not a good question to ask - but won't this be a beautiful Cleveland Pear in my yard?

Friday, March 27, 2009


Z-O-U! Although admittedly I slept through most of the Mizzou game and also switched between the game and reruns of Sex in the City, I did have dreams similar to this video last night.

I didn't go to Mizzou - I am a Drury University grad - but since I have been living in mid-MO, you either grow to love the tigers and wear stripes or get out. I have succumbed to the pressure and LOVE a good ball game. I have learned the songs, the chants, have a Mizzou wardrobe.....for the love of the game and now the love of the Tigers! Grrrrr........

Go Mizzou - beat UConn!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Isn't it Ironic...don't ya think?

WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?Nope....I was an accident and I am surprised I have a name....
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Not today - so that's always good news!!
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I sure do. One time in college, my printer quit working at like 2 a.m. My health class major paper was due the next morning at 8 a.m. So instead of going out to party my blues away, I sat and hand jotted my entire term paper to perfection. My instructor was so impressed she gave me an "A" and kept it as evidence. Word has it she shows it to her classes to this day and says, "if you can print like this, I will let you handwrite your papers. If not - type them!"
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Smoked Turkey (with a little avocado spread....yummy!)
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I have dogs - Katie and Ike.
6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? I am not sure....I forget birthdays, I forget to call or text, I fall down often due to clumsiness and I am opinionated....I hate those type of people!
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM? No....not me! :-)
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Not a one of them since I was 4 years old.
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? ooohhh....Frosted Flakes. OR what about some honey nut shredded wheat with orange juice.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Why would I? Then I would just have to retie them later - work smarter not harder, my friends!
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? I have to be one of the only women that I know that can pass on ice cream - not a big fan Isn't it Ironic? About as ironic as alanis morissette. 14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Do they have any teeth? I do live in Missouri and I do work in rural parts, folks. Teeth are a huge indicator....and shoes too. Crappy shoes = you don't like to take care of yourself. There is such a thing as shoe polish!
15. RED OR PINK? Pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? That my closet isn't bigger.....Oh asked about myself. Well....hmmmm let's see..... my ugly toenails. Now don't go looking at them because then I will have another least favorite thing - my complex.
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? MawMaw.......enough said.
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? I am a skirt kind of girl - black and ivory skirt and some fabulous heels.
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? A dog barking out the window.
22. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Take all of the crayons and mix them together....go ahead....draw all over that sheet of paper. What color do you have? Turd-muckeldy-dum....that's me. The color of my eyes.
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? Fresh, clean laundry
25. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU?I got this from my pal, Steve Lyle in California. Great guy!
26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Go Kansas City Chiefs....bring it home to momma!
27. HAIR COLOR? brown and blonde
28. EYE COLOR? Turd-muckeldy-dum - see #22
29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No...but I probably should. Maybe I can get some of those cat eye contacts for Halloween.
30. FAVORITE FOOD? Nakato's in Springfield!
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy Endings - hey that was a band in Springfield, I think.
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? I can't remember.....was it Forgetting Sarah Marshall?
34. Summer or winter? SUMMER.......on the boat with friends!
35. HUGS OR KISSES? Both - I am a woman you know.
37. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? No one - this is a blog.
38. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? You....yes, you....all of you!
39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Are you kidding - when would I find time to read?
41. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? I caught up on Grey's Anatomy and Brothers & Sisters.....gosh I love my DVR.
42. FAVORITE SOUND(S)? A boat engine!!
43. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Who are they? Just kidding (Cari!) Rolling Stones.
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? I can say all 50 states in alphabetical order in less than 30 seconds.
46 WHERE WERE U BORN? Oklahoma - where the wind goes sweeping down the plains.....

Schick Quattro TrimStyle For Women

Interesting advertisement for Schick!

I was doing a little research on advertisements....and came across this commercial. It took me a while to "get it" (because the bleach from highlighting my hair has gotten to my brain) ,but I finally caught on. I thought it was interesting enough to share - little hidden messages everywhere!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It Ain't Easy Being Green!

Kermit the Frog was right when he said, "It ain't easy being green!" On St. Patrick's Day, it just ain't find something green to wear. I dug & dug through my closet for something appropriate to wear to work (it is jean week this week), but I just couldn't find the perfect "professional" shirt. So I had to turn to accessories......and here is what I got....a kermit green scarf thingy (that I have also worn as a belt - any good fashionista knows how to multi-task with accessories.) At least no one can pinch me today!

Today for someone else, it ain't easy either. But for very different reasons. Ron Ron (my big brother) is also adjusting to the fact that he is OVER THE HILL today. It ain't easy turning 40 folks....not that I would know, but I have heard. Surely turning 40 has some perks.....
-- Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
-- People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?" (Okay even at 31 - people have to ask me this!)
-- You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.
-- There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
-- Most of all, you will always have a younger sister willing to poke fun of you - and she can take the heat when her birthday rolls around.

Happy 40th Birthday, Ronnie!
If I were there, I would give a brotha a hug, pinch ya and punch ya in the arm (for old time's sake!!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Now isn't that sweet.

I got a message from a co-worker (Yo Jen!) yesterday that something was at the reception desk at work. Actually - she couldn't keep the secret and whispered, "it's flowers." Me? I got flowers - I must be special.
Blaine had sent me flowers since my weeks have been so crazy. Awwwwww...... Yes, Blaine is in Vegas and no, he hasn't done anything wrong - believe me I asked.
This was such a surprise and makes me even more ready for Spring - just a few short days away. It also makes me think of Blainer every time I glance at the end of my desk. Good strategy honey - keep the wife happy and thinking good thoughts about you right before your birthday! This might just work out well for you - I am tempted to buy you another gift!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This one is going to be a long one...

Sheesh - once again, I have been MIA (missing in action.) And action packed my life has been lately. Work keeps me knee deep in lots of B.S. But I thought I would bring you up to speed on the latest happenings and thoughts from my world.

  • A shout out to Blainer - he is soaking up the rays this week in Las Vegas. I am completely jealous! I need a vacation - although he is working, I would much rather be working Vegas than Jeff Schitty. This week (Friday) is also Blainer's birthday. Happy Birthday!! (This photo is a clear reflection on how much fun Blainer is probably having this week.)

  • Last weekend we headed to the lake for a boat auction. Although I tried my darndest to steal our auction number from Blaine to bid on a boat - I was unsuccessful. After we got tired of the auction, the gang (me & Blaine, Lora & Jason, Mitch, Cari & Jason and the kids) headed to Shorty Pants for lunch. Oh how I had been missing the smoked wings and a mojito. Later, part of the gang headed to my house and then off to Hartsburg - a little ole town in the middle of nowhere. Ironically, I knew too many people at this hole in the wall type place with cover band. Good times by all.
  • I miss the lake (see the photo)....this is what i want to be doing right now - sitting on the boat with friends.
But it is raining - so I guess I will have to wait for some sunny, warm days. I also have to wait for a tanning bed to turn me brown again - I am so pasty white I scare small children - they think Casper has entered the room. Boo!

  • Did you know that Jennifer Aniston has been spending $2000 a day on getting her hair done (visit You have got to be kidding me? I have longed for her hair since the "Jennifer" on Friends. But holy moly - I try to croak when I have to pay $120 for a flat iron when my breaks - or when I have to pay for my highlight and haircut. I can't imagine forking out this kind of money - someone buy this chick a can of Beyond Shine, a flat iron and a comb and tell her do her own hair and feed a small country with what she is spending on her strands.

  • Here is another soapbox moment from me: Dear Octomom - you need an octoslap upside your octohead!!

  • Speaking of out of your mind - Shania has joined the Republic Tigers track team and has been running lots - to the tune of 2 miles-ish a day. That is crazy! I couldn't run around the block even if smoked chicken wings and a mojito was just around the corner. I would certainly think about it - but probably wouldn't make it. Go Nia.

  • Have I told you we booked our vacation condo in Gulf Shores? It became quite the saga for a little while - we lost our initial condo and were frantically trying to find another one. Either way - we are set for June....and I am counting the days.
I guess that is it for my thoughts - I will leave you with this farm funny. This is how I have felt at work lately........