As most of you know, my uncle Jimmy passed away a week and a half ago. My mom, dad, little sister and I made the trip to Oklahoma to pay our last respects. We arrived, spent time with family and headed to the funeral on Tuesday. Everything was going fine (at the funeral) until I hear my name - which I thought was a little odd. The preacher had just said "Misti is going to come forward and 'sing' a scripture and say a few words." What the heck???, I thought. I am going to do what?
BACKGROUND: The day that Jimmy passed, my mom and I had been talking and I had "volunteered" to read a poem or scripture at the funeral
IF it was something that the family wanted and decided upon. But that was the last of the conversation and the last time it was even mentioned - and now it was five days later.
Back to the funeral - my eyes were surely popping out of my head as I made my way to the front of the funeral home. Funerals have never made me comfortable...I am always a bit jumpy, sweaty and clammy while there. Now, I was really sweating. What was I going to read? What was I going to say? The look on my face was a giveaway as to the fact that I was SO unprepared.
When I got to the preacher, I whispered, "you gotta bible?" He handed me one. I said, "do you know what I am supposed to be reading?" He turned to the Twenty-Third Psalms and I began reading.
Now, I am not a shy takes a lot to make me nervous. But for some reason, I was as nervous as a hooker in voice was shaking, my eyes couldn't focus on the words....I was about to lose it. After making it through, I headed back to my seat where I thought I was going to pass out. As I made eye contact with my mom, "she whispered, 'I am SO sorry'" and that comforted me more than she will ever know.
I was done and the funeral was a nice service. After many apologies went back and forth between family members about the surprise reading, I was content with the whole thing. That is until my parent's laughed and pointed out that I had read part of the scripture wrong - because I was practically blind with nervousness. I read Psalms 23:6 like this
"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will (NOT) dwell in the house of the LORD forever." I nearly died. I couldn't believe that I included the word "not" in that scripture. Tears poured from my face as we pulled away from the cemetary. I let out a serious Boo-Hoo...I had just condemned the whole scripture and funeral (in my eyes.) Mom and Dad still had a good laugh about it - and said that Jimmy probably would have laughed too. That made me feel better. Leave it to me to screw up the scripture!
Moral to the story prepared for anything! You never know what life is going to throw at you!