
Friday, December 19, 2008

A Little Creepy in the House

I was at home last night shortly after arriving home and had been all over the house - taking Katie out, changing out of my work clothes into something much more comfortable and warm, opening the mail....the usual evening rituals. Blaine wasn't home yet; he had stayed at work late and was getting a hair cut. Suddenly, I heard a ring - much like a phone ringing. But it wasn't my phone. I froze - scared that someone was in the house. I practically didn't move for 10 minutes at all...until MY phone rang. I darted from my bathroom to the kitchen to snatch my phone praying that I wasn't about to run into a burgular or the "boogy man" as Blaine calls it.

I didn't see anyone. But I did continue to hear creepy noises. I realize that all of the noises I was hearing was the house settling, the high winds outside, Katie's toenails against our hardwood floors. I couldn't let go of the fact that I had heard something.

As most of you know, I am a scaredy cat! I am a little afraid of the dark, a little afraid of my own shadow sometimes and always paranoid that something bad is going to happen. Toss in a couple of un-nerving movies about vampires and boogy men (Thanks to Twilight and I Am Legend) in the past couple of weeks and you have yourself a spastic, overly-paranoid chick. I swear there are vampires running around in my backyard in the mornings when I take the dog out. Okay...not really, but it does cross my mind.

I sat on my couch lifeless for a while contimplating running for the hills or just sucking it up like a big girl. Blaine called and I told him my fears. I also talked to my mom, my sister and other people....and I didn't dare bring it up. I thought my talking about it would 1) make me look crazy...2) make me more scared and 3) make my mom worry. So I sat there - and then I made a pizza and then I watched TV.

The Boggy Man never got me - as Blaine says - and I didn't have any nightmares. But one thing I learned - STOP WATCHING WACKED OUT SCARY MOVIES!!

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