
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1-3...I will take that as long as we beat Denver!

Anyone that knows me well knows that I like to watch NFL football. No, you cannot find me every Sunday planted in front of the TV and, no, I don't know every player on every team. But I do love to watch the Chiefs (yes...I still admit that) and I love to rant and rave over games.

Since I was a kid (or since I moved to Missouri and gave up on my love for the Dallas Cowboys), I have loved the Kansas City Chiefs. Maybe it was my infatuation with living within driving distance of the team. Maybe it was my brother's influence who has the arrowhead tattooed on his arm. Or maybe it was my die hard Chiefs fan friend named Danni. Either way, I have had a love for the team that can never seem to find a winning season, the best combination of players or the best record. One thing I can say - the Chiefs have the best fans and I am one of them.

While sitting around the lake this weekend at the boat races, I found another friend of mine that may possibly love the Chiefs more than me....Cari. Much to her husband, Jason's, argument and after some screaming "turn it up!!!", Cari and I listened to the game of the year...the KC Chiefs pounding the Denver Broncos. (Watch the highlights here.)

Now you might remember me posting previously that I had to find it somewhere in my heart (against my better judgment) to begin kind of liking the Broncos. It has been painful to sit there rooting on a team that I was destined to hate from the beginning....a team that is in our conference....a team that could very well whoop our butts and keep us out of the playoffs. But I had too compromise since Danni's husband, Casey, became the Center for the Denver Broncos. It wasn't rough at first....Casey was going to be 2nd string - he is 35, in his 13th year with the NFL and ready to retire. He was going to sit quietly on the bench - so I didn't really have to root for the Broncos. But then suddenly, the Center had an injury and Casey has started all games for the Broncos and is kicking some booty. Secretly, I have been hoping for Bronco victories ever since the first game.

But this weekend, it was on like Donkey Kong!! The Broncos entered in to Chiefs territory (Tomahawk Chop!) My 0-3 Chiefs took on the 3-0 Broncos and I knew deep down inside that the Chiefs had to win this to even begin their comeback. I heard Casey's name often (and praises of his performance as a "former Chief") as I listened from the Sherrow's boat. Cari screamed and hollered....we slapped high fives on every great play. We even yelled at Blaine for trying to share his cookie recipe while we were trying to hear the game - for crying out loud.

The Chiefs came out on top (33-19), we finally saw their A game. Larry Johnson decided to show up and earn his Mayback driving pay, Damon Huard finally took off his blinders and made some great throws, Derrick Johnson clobbered Denver's offense forcing a pair of turnovers and some QB sacks and the Chiefs finally found a kicker, Matt Prater. (I am still bitter about the 1995-96 playoff game against the Colts where we were doomed with -9 degree wind chill and a stupid kicker. Lin Elliot - or Lin Idiot as I renamed him - missed 3 field goals in that game to lose to Indy 10-7. I was at that game with Blaine and Ronnie where we had bussed with a radio station from Springfield to KC for tailgating and the game. I cannot even describe how cold it was in the upper level.)

But now....My Chiefs finally won a game in 2008. I knew they could...and I am guessing that this game just might be the single most important win in the past 20 years. This week we are off to take on the Carolina Panthers on the road. Our confidence is boosted, the plays are finally tweaked and all of the newbies have finally figured out each others flaws and strengths to work together to actually look like a winning team.

Although Casey's return to Arrowhead was not what he was dreaming of (read the story here), it was a dream come true for a true Chiefs fan! This week I will be cheering for the CHIEFS and secretly...the broncos. Shhhh.....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Preceding my anniversary date...I stink!

I had mentioned in a previous post today that I stunk to high heaven when Blaine and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary...and it was true. I spent most of yesterday at an exotic animal auction in northern Missouri watching the sale and touring the facility. I had other important meetings yesterday in the same town, so I was dressed for success in my black ABS suit and BCBG patent leather pumps. I didn't take clothes to change so I walked into the animal auction like a owned the place and everyone starred. At one point, my boss' wife said, "Do you have sunglasses? You should put them on and pretend you are some Hollywood star here to bid on an exotic animal!" I laughed - and knew deep down inside that if I hadn't been with my boss, I would have completely done that! I have tried that before cruising through casinos in Las Vegas....but Blaine always blows my cover.

The auction was quite a sight to see...holy cow! If you have never been to an exotic animal auction or any animal auction for that matter - Go!! It is a riot. I had been to cattle sales in the past. But this was like straight out of a movie. As we sat in the crowd, you began to see animals in the audience on leashes - kangaroos, bull dogs, anteater looking creatures, houn' dawgs. It was just plain weird.
We ventured into the "back" rooms (because you can when you have our credentials and I am dressed like I am either coming to take over the place or that I have more money than the law should allow - both FAR from the truth). I was blown away by the birds, komoto dragons, giant turtles, chinchillas, porcupines - you name it! I even saw an 8 week old bobcat that I had mistaken for a tabby cat until I popped on the sales website today.
After venturing outside thinking that I will see a bunch of llamas and cows, I was shocked again....a two-toed sloth, crazy cows with horns as long as me, short pony's, deer, elk, ostrich's, zebras, cows with really long fur....everywhere! And then there was the taxidermy sale where I saw Bullwinkle (who only went for $1900 I might add) and all of his friends. I also saw an elephant's head mounted to the to him, a to that, a few big giant alligator (yes, stuffed) and I even saw a man in a chair asleep that I just knew was my Uncle Sambo all taxidermied in that chair. I looked twice - he was breathing....thank god!

The day was incredible. The governor decided to pay a visit while we were there. At some point on this tour, Guv decided to get between two miniature bull that were fighting amongst themselves (I say miniature...but could bust my gut and KILL ME if they gotten close enough.) Those bulls decided ..."cool, there's people...let's chase them" and they did! As I screamed like a child that had just gotten a spankin' by my momma and backed up against a fence holding an unsuspecting co-worker in front of me, the bull ran by, turned around and ran by again, then again, then again. Why didn't I climb the fence like everyone else? I was in freakin' 4 inch heels and a skirt.

I lived through the experience - I don't know how - and can relive this memory over and over with my coworkers who yesterday laughed it off because they are tough. But today - the story and the bulls keep getting bigger and bigger every time its told. They are scared too - but man enough not to admit to it. As for me, call me a wuss....I don't care. I ain't no farm girl!

Like I said before - get to an exotic animal auction at least once in your lifetime. It is weird, smelly and bizarre...but where else can you find a Zonkey for sale.

Zonkey = a donkey crossed with a zebra. Here is a baby trying to rest....and oh so cute!!

It is Anniversary time!

I can hardly believe that Blaine and I have been married for 5 years (tomorrow). Since we have friends in town this weekend, we decided to celebrate last night. After I had spent much of my day in a cattle barn, overdressed for any farming-like event in a suit and heels and stunk to high heaven, I met Blaine for dinner and we headed to CC's City Broilers in Columbia. (If you haven't been and live near or ever visit Columbia - it is a must!) We have been before, but decided to step it up a notch with the Lobster and Steak. Awesome food! The presentation was great, the atmosphere was perfect and the food was so delicious my tummy is still full.

Blaine and I rarely have date nights. Who can find the time with work, building the house, trying to clean the house and being constantly on the go? So this date night was super special - we were together, alone, it was our anniversary celebration and it was a great place. I guess time flies when you are having fun because it just seems like yesterday that I walked down the aisle with Dad attached to my arm telling me great stories. Dad's words are always inspiring: "Don't worry, Misti. This time you will not be 1st runner-up!" I thought - true...but have you seen my bridesmaid's?

Another great line as I was about to walk down the aisle was, "Blaine just threw up 30 minutes ago." Oh great - was it cold feet? did he take one look at my hot bridesmaids and say, "I can't do this whole marriage thing!"? Nope - Blaine had actually had butterflies swarming in his stomach and grabbed his so-called McDonald's cup to only find out it was someone else's - chew - spit! Disgusting....after I found that out, I laughed and cried all at the same time. But now it was time...we were walking...I had a death grip on Dad...I saw Blaine....and then it all began. We finally got married and moved to Ashland.

Although many things have changed over the past 5 years - houses, jobs, friends, goals - I am still happy to be the Mrs.

Back then, I didn't want a band to go with my engagement ring. Immediately after becoming a Mrs., you grow so much wiser (like the very next day). I have been wanting a band to compliment my ring ever since. Blaine always said - "on our five year anniversary." But I didn't think that would come true (especially with the house building expenses). Much to my surprise last night, I got my band to go with my ring. I love it!

I didn't get Blaine quite an extravagant gift, but I did book him (and me too) a culinary class at the Culinary Center in Kansas City - it is Cooking for Couples, an Elegant Dinner for Two. I was ecstatic when I thought of this idea since Blaine loves cooking so much. I think that we will have a blast. I paired his gift with a "Love Book" from Shutterfly - that I found so much fun putting together - and ordered Preston Vineyard Wine from Washington (that is what we had at our wedding - just the two of us.)

It was a great evening - and now we continue the fun this weekend at the Boat Races at Toad Cove at the lake.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taco Bell Hates Me!

I like Taco Bell - I don't love it but I from time to time "think outside the bun" and head to the border. My favorite thing at Taco Bell nowadays is not even the food. I love the Border Sauce packets....I cannot get enough of them. Everytime I go, I ask for extra sauce - for my mere amusement of what the packet might say. You have seen them right? If you haven't, jump in the car NOW and head to Taco Bell to get some (and then quit living under that rock and live a little.)

I don't know why I laugh hysterically at these packets. Blaine has even witnessed this with an eye roll or two. I think they are clever, amusing and make my meal entertaining. So that's why Taco Bell hates me. I am sure that they haven't caught on to my hot sauce game and I am not so sure they would really mind. I keep going back - not so much for the burrito or taco, but for the sauce.

Some of my favorites sayings are:
"I'm taking the day off. See the next packet."
"Can I drive?"
"Scratch & Sniff: Gotcha!"

I even have put so much thought into this that I have come up with a few suggestions:
"My other friends are Hot!"
"Como Esta!"
"Why are you growling at me?" (Get it? Stomach growling....)
"Does this package make my butt look big?"
What do you think - could I get a job at Taco Bell?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Funny Wedding Video

In light of my recent trip to a wedding, I found this short clip that someone sent me a while back. It always makes me laugh....
No this is not the bride from the weekend....

Over the weekend, me & Blaine traveled with our friends, Ryan & Melissa, to the wedding up north. It was a great event....we got all dressed up in our best, drove 95 mph to the church because we thought we were going to be late, drove 95 mph back to the hotel (where the reception was to be held), ate some good food, had a few drinks and danced the night away.
Blaine and I always have a great time with Ryan & Mel. Actually, Melissa and I have decided that although Blaine and Ryan look nothing alike - they must be long lost twins.....they completely act the same when together. So much so, you can often hear one completing the others sentence. A little weird...sometimes creepy, but freakin' hilarious!! Mel and I just sit back and listen to the show going on around us!

Robert & girlfriend, Julie, joined us Friday night for the pre-wedding fun. But unfortunately, Robert had a very infected tooth and was feeling pain the entire weekend. Yesterday, he had emergency oral surgery back in Omaha to fix the pain. Get Well Soon, Robert!! Maybe next time you will be able to join in the fun.

As soon as my pals send me a photo or two of our big wedding outting, I will post some photos. We only took about 200 the whole night - we didn't want to miss a thing, I guess. For now, here is a photo of me (from my camera phone) right before the reception.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bells are Ringing...

Wedding bells are ringing from Palmyra, Mo. Yep - you read that right, Palmyra. I don't have any idea where it is either, but my pals and I are bound to find it somewhere in Northwest Missouri on Saturday. We will be attending the Grisham/Frankenbach wedding. But the fun begins tomorrow. Ryan and Mel (from KC) and Robert and Julie (from Omaha) are venturing our way tomorrow for some wedding pre-fun! I am looking forward to having that gang together again.

As most of you know, I love weddings - okay, really I don't. It really doesn't matter who you are...I just don't like weddings. I think that occurred in 2003 when Blaine and I had 8 weddings from May thru Septmember including our own. We became versed in ironing our best duds, putting on our happiest "we love weddings look" and giving our best hugs to the bride while thinking....okay, now where is the food?

My true unlove for weddings could have also occurred the years that Mom had the bridal shop. All of those bitchy brides and their mothers - I am not sure how we kept from slapping most of them. Don't get me wrong - there were some pleasant brides, but most were...out...of...control.

When I shopped for a wedding dress, yes I was picky. But if I looked fat in a dress, that was my fault. I should have laid off the cheeseburgers. If I was just plain ugly in a dress, I should have bothered to comb my hair or put on makeup before I decided to try on gowns. If I walked like a baboon in a dress, I should have learned posture...oh I don't know....10 years ago. I put on my happy face, brushed my hair, slapped on some makeup and bought myself a wedding dress. I didn't blame the poor unsuspecting bridal shop owner for my fatness, lack of cuteness or ignorance. However, when working at the bridal shop, we were blamed for it all. I even drug out makeup to try to help some souls try to look beautiful, mom broke out the comb and starting teasing away on their hair to make the veil just right and I even showed a few how to walk in heels. I guess that's why we were successful at what we did - even if we sold the "hoochie" dresses that one shop referred to us as selling.

We were probably the first bridal shop in the Springfield area to carry strapless - otherwide know as Hoochie - dresses (insert horror film music here.) For those of you that don't know, Springfield is the bible belt of Missouri. Most of us now only see strapless gowns, but back in those days, it was unheard of and very "unbridely like and unwholesome". After getting over that hurdle, I can honestly say that we poured our heart and soul into that place and into each bride (that actually appreciated the full attention we would give.) I guess that's why we were successful!

But then, September 11th happened, family health issues needed to be tended to and the dreaded David's Bridal came to town. All of those above made us all look at each other and say - "do we really loooove this place anymore? Really? Because if we do, we will fight through. But if we don't, Hasta La Vista, Baby....we are outta here!!

So that is what we did. Mom & I walked away with pride....okay, Mom walked; I sprinted. We knew that we had made hundreds of brides beautiful for their big day, we had changed the industry in Springfield, met many memorable people and accomplished goals for ourselves that we never imagined. As bad as I didn't want to put up with the bridal brainiacs anymore, I learned a great deal about myself, the wedding industry, business and the world.

So maybe I shouldn't hate weddings anymore. Maybe I should look at them for what they are - two people joining their lives together and taking the plunge. Forget the wedding dress, the bridesmaid's shoes, the color of the flowers or the groomsmen's tuxedos....just enjoy the experience! Play dress up for the day with my hot date, mingle with aquaintances and friends, dance a little jig and eat the great food!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am mad!

"I am mad!" That is what my niece, Sophi, said last night while at Fuddrucker's with the family for Mom's birthday celebration. I think she was mad that her Nana didn't get a Cinderella dress for her birthday just like Sophi did in February. She kept telling me that her birthday was WAY better (than Nana's) because "Jewie got me a Cinderella dress!" She finally came out from under the table though. And I am pretty sure Mom was happy she didn't get a Cinderella dress for her birthday - she may have wanted the glass slippers though...she loves shoes as much as I do.

Mom & I had spent the day shopping for antiques and other stuff for my house. I only bought a car load it seemed but I couldn't pass up the deals - even if what I liked was a "repro" said the snooty lady. After a quick stop to freshen up and pick up Dad and Shania we were off to see the Willard Tigers take on the Glendale Pansies (not sure of the mascot really....but pansies seems fitting.) Although the girls played good (I thought), I apparently don't know much....Sydni said "it sucked" and Coach Emily was about to explode with anger. Ronnie said if I was the coach I would have been angry too - supposedly they played really well on Saturday. All I know is they played WAY better than I could.

After mingling about in the gym, we headed to Fuddrucker's for post-game Birthday fun! Mom always tries to please everyone else and picked Fuddrucker's because "it's more fun for the kids!" Much to my surprise...that was one good burger I had. Yummy....though there hasn't been a burger that I haven't really loved. Great pick, Mom!!

The whole evening was a great time; we ate, talked, laughed, laughed some more and played games with the kids. I even got in the action of plugging my quarters in the machine to get prizes. Check out me and Shania's new teeth!! We are hot!!
But the evening had to come to an end - and on our way out, I had Mom & Dad pose for a photo. Much to their surprise and mine, I had them pose in an awkward place - hence the sign above their heads. Even the look on the faces look suspicious - but believe me...this was pure accident. Mom would have killed me otherwise.

I hopped into the car this morning to drive back to Jeff City for work. I am tired and worn out. I am not sure if it was the drive, the shopping, chasing Sophi or just laughing so much yesterday. Thanks for letting me drag you all over town again, Mom. I know it was your birthday, but I know I had more fun spending time with you than you did.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!!

I am off to Springfield tomorrow to celebrate Mom's birthday, cheer on Sydni at her volleyball game, grab dinner and try to squeeze in some shopping. A fun-filled day of chaos for sure, but it will be a good time before I head back to mid-Missouri to get my house ready for company this weekend.

Although mom said, "when you get this age, you quit celebrating birthdays", I happen to think birthdays are important. Besides, Mom, you are not over the hill....there is an old saying..."I am not turning 40, I am $39.95 plus tax. The same applies to you. But if you use $39.95, you are in a very special tax bracket. (Okay....14.5% tax....but at least you are not old.)
I expect to get slapped as soon as I pull in the driveway now.....I never learn.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!! I know the day will be a great one. Lots of family, food and heckling of Sydni's volleball coach - the infamous Emily Yates. Emily and I were pals back in the ole pageant days. She was younger than me - and for anyone who remembers that little girl that sang "Good Ship Lollypop" - that was our Emily! She is all grown up now and coaching volleyball. I can't wait to see both her and Sydni (my niece) in action.

** On a sidenote and since we are celebrating, my mom made the cutest (ever) diaper cake for the Pastor's wife's baby shower this weekend. I have to brag - the talent this woman possesses never ceases to amaze me. You rock, Mom!
Looking at this made me think - awwww...I want one. But that only lasted for a minute and then I was over it.
No Mom - you cannot paint the spare bedroom pink just yet.

Goodbye Rain, Hello Sunshine!

I was joking with my boss last week about hearing running water in my backyard wondering if the river (a mile or so from my house) had overflowed. Really - I stood on my back porch listening to water flowing through the backyard. I even went inside and drug Blaine out. It was not the river, it was the neighbor emptying his pool. What a relief...not that the river could ever come even close to our house - we live on a huge hill. If it filled up our valley, we would be building an ark.

This morning while getting ready for work, I got a text message from Blaine. It said, "road closed, go straight." I knew what that meant - the Moreau River, the one near my house and a tributary to the mighty Missouri River, had gone over the road. Sure enough, when I got to the end of my road to venture to work, there was a sign stating "Water over Road."

My boss came into my office this morning to say, "if you thought the river had overflowed last week, what do you think about it now?"

I didn't grow up around rivers in southwest Missouri so they are a bit fascinating, intimidating and scary all at the same time. Although I have two other routes to get around the river on Tanner Bridge, it still makes me a little uneasy that a river can change my routes and destinations.
The only good thing about lots of rain is the chance to break out my hot pink rainboots. Rumor has it though - the rain has stopped and the sun will come out soon. Bring back my sunny days; I am sick of the rain.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Put Your Seatbelt on Galveston!

Sitting here listening to Hurricane Ike coverage, officials in Galveston, Texas just advised those that decided to ride out the storm should find a Sharpie and write their Social Security number on their arm so that they can be identified later. that is a statement!!

Here's to living in the Midwest instead of along the coast.... Apparently hundreds of people are riding out the storms. Some are even sitting in bars saying "bring it on." Geez...if it even thunders here, I panic. I cannot imagine trying to ride out a storm like this. The words "stupid people" come to mind right now.

I hope my pals, Jason & Lora, are fairing well in Cancun this week. I checked their weather and everything seems to look okay. But I am no meteorologist... "Hope everything is great in Cancun, Watts'!!"

It's A Bird, It's a Plane...Oh no...It's Super "Lice?"

I have been hearing all of these stories on the news the past couple of days about Super Lice.

As a kid, lice was that icky thing that people got at school (you know the ones that didn't bathe - so my momma said.) Well...I always thought that non-bathers were the culprits of lice until I (yep...the daughter of a hair dresser's worst nightmare), came home with head lice. I suddenly found out that I could get lice from using someone's hairbrush, sharing a bed or headbutting each other on the playground. It had nothing to do with my bathing schedule.

I think I was in 6th grade when the bug arrived and I was mortified....but probably not as much as my momma. She blamed the pesky bug on that ratty kid down the street that probably never took a bath. In any case, I had had gotten me...but Super Mom took care of it - just like any other ailment that came my way as a kid!

My mom bought every product in the store to remedy my new profound nits in my hair. I think she tried everything except Drano to kill the little buggers. My hair was washed and washed, my sheets were exterminated and the house was fumigated for bugs. I lived through the ordeal and lice never entered the house again.

But now, I hear the news of Super Lice. What the heck! I am itching now just thinking about it. Is this a group of lice that headed to the gym, took some steroids and now have become immortal? do Super Lice form?

I am going to be scratching my head for days trying to figure out this one....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

To the Rock Stars in my Life!

“true friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient; it's about being there when it's not.” -- unknown

Recently, I have put a lot of thought into how lucky I am to have the great people in my life that I call my friends. Whether it is my greatest "we have been friends forever" pals (hello in Denver), my Mom (who I share just about everything with) or those people that have entered my life in the past five years (what a group you are), I am grateful for them being in my life.

As a kid, I didn't have too many friends. I was always the odd ball (and still am a bit), I had different viewpoints, dressed differently, walked differently and even talked differently. I wasn't like everyone else. As hard as that was walking down the hallways of school, when I left those hallways that is when my true life began and I developed meaningful friendships with those that accepted me for me. I am not perfect, I don't always do or say the right things...but one thing I know for sure - my friends (and family) are the most important things in my life.

As cliche as it may seem, thank you to all of my friends that have been there through thick and thin, accepted my differences, enjoyed my company, been my partners in crime and been the rock stars in my life that you are.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” -- Dr. Suess

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little Sister's Weekend

In the past 4 days, I have been hitting the pavement more than usual. Thursday night I headed to Springfield to spend Friday with Mom & Julie and pick up Shania for a much needed "Little Sister's Weekend." I spent much of Friday looking for a dress to wear to a wedding - and found the perfect choice (after my other choice wouldn't zip up around my rib cage - man, I loved that dress.) My new choice is even better (says my momma) and fits like a glove (don't breathe.) I was waiting for Shania to get out of school so we could begin our whirlwind weekend of fun.

Shania and I left Republic Friday night and after one quick stop at Steak 'n Shake, we arrived in Jeff City to begin our fun. Saturday was about to bring more fun than our bodies could handle. We started off with pancakes for breakfast (thanks for making those from "scratch" Blaine!) and headed to the Lake of the Ozarks for more fun. In short, we managed to: ride go-carts (where Shania waxed Blaine and I on the track - seriously), take a boat ride, go swimming, lay in the sun, have dinner on the water at Shorty Pants, shop at the outlet mall (where Nia picked up a new hoodie, tank and earrings), play skee ball downtown, shop at the "Dam" Candy Shoppe, have ice cream at the "Dam" Ice Cream Parlor and watch Uptown Girls at the house. Boy - was I whooped?!?!

We ventured back to Springfield on Sunday (with a quick stop at Pac Sun for the Hurley book bag we just "had to have because it's cool), stopped by the mall for some more shopping and grabbed the family some much needed Cashew Chicken (Springfield-style). It was truly a great weekend of fun for me & Blaine and I think that Shania had fun as well. Although I am very tired from trying to keep up with a 7th grader, I can't wait to do it again!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Sream, You Scream, We All Scream on the Jet Ski!

One of last weekend's highlights caused much joy, excitement and pain. I am only just now writing about it because my soreness has finally disappeared.

My friends and I hopped onto the Go Fast Watts' boat on Sunday to head to Mama & Papa Watts' boat dock for some relaxation. There were red and blue jet skis set before us all day saying, "ride me!" And we did - all of us. Jason pulled Blaine on a tube while Kristina held the orange flag for safety. I lured in Shandon and actually talked him into taking a ride with me....and he thought it was my first rodeo, but it wasn't. The petrified look on his face cracked me up while we jetted across the water.

But I think the "Holy Crap - What Are You Doing on That Thing?!?" award goes to my pals, Ryan and Melissa. (I think that it must have been their first ride.) After seeing Mel get thrown off twice by her relentless husband (but we forgive you anyway, Ryan), Mel walked away with a limp and a " ankle is broken." Much to our lack of sympathy, we didn't take her seriously as Blaine chimed in with a " toe is broken" and I said, " finger is broken." As for everyone else - they were fine (except Shandon needed a beer after he endured the ride I gave him.) Although my finger was fine and Blaine's toe was fine, Melissa did have to venture to the Emergency Room for a little check up. The next time I saw her, she was on crutches and limping around. Not broken - thanks goodness...but torn ligaments and major bruising. As we rehashed the story over and over of Ryan catapulting her from the jet ski, Mel’s reply was “at least I was doing something fun!!”

That’s my girl!! (and just kidding, Ryan - we know you didn't do it on are just a bad driver!)