
Friday, June 25, 2010

"I guess I haven't seen you in a while..."

As I ventured down the hallway today at work, a co-worker said, "Wow! I guess I haven't seen you in a while!" Sure that could mean more than one thing, but let's face it. We all know it means "sheesh - you are getting fat." Sorry - there is just no other way to put it.

She's right. Over the past 4 weeks, I have managed to pack on a few pounds. At my last doctor's visit two weeks ago, the doctor approved my 12 pounds in weight gain. You know pregnancy can pack on the pounds and are needed, but to hear "you have gained 12 pounds" is never fun. Believe me - my heart and pride sunk just a bit that morning.

Each week I get a new request from a friend asking me to post "pregnancy" photos of myself on Facebook. I have avoided this for quite some time now out of convenience. You see, I am normally behind the camera and feel no need to jump in front of it. And I certainly haven't felt like jumping in front of the camera lately - only out of pure necessity or when my momma chased me down with a camera on vacation last week. (As soon as I can get a good photo from me and Blaine's beach photo shoot, I will post one.)

So each day as I count the weeks until due date and gaze into my closet trying to find something that I can squeeze my belly into, I remember that this weight gain is for one good reason...the little boy that growing like crazy in my stomach. And growing he is - I swear those kicks and punches just get stronger and stronger.

I realize that his little personality hasn't quite developed just yet, but with my vivid imagination, I can't help but see him sitting on my bladder, legs crossed casually leaned up against an organ, bottle in one hand as he bounces up and down, up and down on my bladder. I swear he does that on purpose - especially when I lay down for some much needed sleep. I was always a night owl when I was younger - so I guess he is too. If he can't sleep, well then momma can't sleep either - and she might as well be spending her nights on trips to the bathroom. Neither the hubby nor the dog even wake up anymore when I stumble to the toilet 5 times a night, bouncing off the wall, cursing.

With about 15 weeks to go, I can only look forward to more bathroom breaks, more pudginess and those dreaded stretch marks that everyone keeps talking about. Next time I see you, remember it's okay to say "I guess I haven't seen you in a while" or better yet "how much weight HAVE you gained?" I at least have a good sense of humor have to, right?

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