
Friday, March 12, 2010

Is that my heartbeat or the baby's?

I never thought a visit to the emergency room would bring me so much excitement. After feeling worse and worse and clearly becoming dehydrated, my doctor sent me to the hospital yesterday for some IV fluids. Have I told you how much I hate needles? I just knew I was going to be traumatized.

I picked up Blaine from work - he did in fact want to be involved in everything of this pregnancy and I was about to show him the bad parts. We headed to the ER where I was poked and prodded (okay only poked once) for about 3 hours. Thankfully, I live in a city where the ER is not all that busy.

While I was still hooked up to the IV, along came a nurse with a small bag. After displaying my growing stomach, she squirted some clear jelly on my belly and said, "get used to this stuff." As she ran the tool across me listening for a heartbeat (which we didn't think we would be able to hear this early), I couldn't help but think, am I going to pee my pants? The fluids were apparently working and making my bladder scream. But then all of a sudden we heard a heartbeat. Blaine's ears perked up and smiles illuminated the room until Nurse Rita said, "that's the momma's heartbeat." Rats...I thought.

Nurse Rita left for a short while only to return with a much larger machine on wheels with a monitor. And the baby searching continued. The doctor joined us too. As soon as I saw Blaine's face light up, I knew something was happening. He hadn't looked that excited since last year's trip to Alabama when he found THE KABOTA tractor that he purchased and hauled home.

I turned to look but couldn't see anything. And then we heard it - the baby's heartbeat...very fast, very faint, but very there! I giggled and you could definitely hear that too - which was hard to stop after I started, but I finally did. Another giggle came out when the doctor said, "do you need to use the restroom? Your bladder is full." I thought they would never ask.

We got a quick photo of the little baby printed and the fun evening at the hospital was ending. They removed my IV, I rushed to the restroom, got meds for nausea and Blaine and I nearly skipped out of the hospital. All of this morning sickness was going to pay off sooner than later. What a relieving feeling!

I can't wait for October - or at least June when we can find out the gender. Right now, I think its a boy. Not sure why - just a feeling I guess. Or maybe its Blaine praying for someone to share the Kabota with..who knows.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bringing Sexy Back....

I vowed that I would never become that frumpy pregnant lady that wore oversized clothing too early, cut my hair so short it looked like I had just joined the military or give up my stilletos. I have kept those 3 things of my promise so far, but let me tell new sweat bands (also called Sea Bands) that make me look like a skater boy, the several shades of green that my skin goes through each nauseous phase or new little pooch that is beginning to protrude from my belly - these are not what I call sexy. Nevermind the ugly "sleeping bra" I have to wear to bed at night - all of this keeps me wondering why Blaine hasn't been traveling non-stop. I think I might be saying, "Hasta La Vista, baby - see you after the first trimester!"

Believe me when I say that every woman even thinking of becoming pregnant should be handed a handbook that reads something like this:

WARNING - As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you may become nauseous. And that feeling may linger for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the end of time (or so it seems.) You will begin to gain weight - but not in that cute pregnant lady sort of way that you had hoped for and just knew you would be. You just become pudgy all over making it hard for anyone to know that you are pregnant rather you have just put on an extra winter weight. You will quit loving the foods you once loved and begin craving foods you haven't even heard of. You may wake one day with the most horrendous taste in you mouth making you think that you spend the last several hours chewing on the change in your purse. You will at all cost seek rememdies for all of the above.

I have tried all of the rumored remedies so far: for nausea - DHA, Preggo Pops, sucking on hard candy, Dramamine, B-6 vitamins, avoiding spicy foods, sipping Sprite and 7-Up, apple juice and Perrier water, the list is never ending. I am now on to my sexy new skater boy sweat bands...I mean Sea Bands. I am definitely bringing sexy back now.

As for Blaine...otherwise known as Daddy Daycare this week - he has been a jewel. Not only is he calling overpriced daycares (since there are 1-3 year waiting lists here in this town), making constant runs to the grocery store when I need the lastest remedy for nausea and more importantly staying the heck out of my way when I need him to, he is keeping me laughing which is important too. He even threw in a "you look thinner in the face" comment yesterday. Now that's a keeper!

So I guess if I am not bringing sexy back (like pop star Justin Timberlake referred to in 2006) maybe I am beginning to bring sexy to my backside. **cough cough...oh so doubtful.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Many Belly Laughs

I guess seeing how overwhelmed I have been and several shades of green from nausea, a co-worker of mine handed a book to me yesterday and said, "you have to read this." I thought - oh great....another book about how I can become a better pregnant person. I think I am doing a pretty fine job on my own...thank you very much!

But I will tell you that this book is one of the funniest books I have ever read. "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy had tears streaming down my face last night while I lay in my PJ's at home with one ear listening to American Idol. Nope - those weren't tears of "what did I get myself in to" or tears of "man, these guys really suck on Idol" - these tears were pure laughter.

After the first 40 pages, I now know that there are a gazillion women out there that have had morning sickness and about a hundred other things going crazy in their bodies. If you are pregnant, have been pregnant or ever expect to be pregnant, this is a must read. Warning: you will see the random curse word and be grossed out a bit, but I guarantee you will laugh if you have ever been through this.

Men, boys, hubbies - don't read. You will have plenty to belly laugh about us as we waddle about in these 9 months. This book will only gross you out!

Now - if any of you out there have any advice on things to make me laugh through this process, please share. I think laughter is my medicine!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Little One is on the Way

Blaine and I are very excited to announce that we are going to become parents (of more than just dogs!) We are expecting a baby in October! We coudn't be more excited to enter this new journey of our lives. We will soon be "changing $500" time and time again for a nursery, cute clothes, diapers and daycare.

So far the journey has been one to remember. The families are excited - well except my niece Sophi. Apparently at 6 years old she thought she was going to be the only baby in the family! I hope to convince her that she will always be our little baby in the family.

Now if only I can keep Mom from buying gifts and furniture for the baby's room before we find out the gender. That (and morning sickness) have been the only true battles so far. And speaking of morning sickness - someone forgot to mention this illness that is very misleading in its title in the "I want to get pregnant" handbook. Although it has been lingering 24/7 for quite some time now, I am constantly reassured by Blaine, my mom and the nurse that it will go away. I just hope it goes away before the baby's 18th birthday.

I hope to keep you updated on my journey of becoming a mom. Some say it would never happen, some are still in shock that we are finally going to become parents...and we are ready for "changing $500" to give the little one everything it needs to be fully spoiled. We are also preparing for changing 500 diapers in the near future. Oh my.