
Monday, October 26, 2009

I am not missing, I am not sick -

I have had several people mention to me lately that I have abandoned my blog. And yes...guilty as charged. Ever since I got a new boss this year, my life has been very much a whirlwind. Work is insanely busy...I travel more, work more, socialize less BUT I love my job and that is what matters.

Lately, my travels have led me to the fabulous southern California. If you are my pal on Facebook, you have followed my travels. If not, was an incredible trip. Here are a few photos of my trip......stories and additional photos will follow this week. (** All of these photos were taken with my cell phone.)

As you can tell: I made it to Hollywood (or HollyWeird!), we walked the beach in Malibu, took sunset pictures at Venice Beach, shopped for a new Bentley on Rodeo Drive and Blaine made it on the Price is Right. But that is just the tip of the iceberg! I can't wait to get back to Cali!!

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