
Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's Called Respect, Lady!

**Note - Very long story but worth taking the time to read!! This is one of the best things I have read in a while - please take the time to read the story in the link below and related emails regarding a fallen soldier's funeral near St. Louis. Some people disgust me and this lady is on the top of my list today - I am so glad that I am not some over-opinionated St. Louis resident like this lady - and believe me...I have encountered a few in my day.

I couldn't resist posting the entirety of these emails:
Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The original email was sent to Sheriff Glenn Boyer on Thursday, August 27. Below is the citizen's email followed by Sheriff Boyer's response.

To Sheriff Boyer from Citizen:

I tried to call you earlier this morning, but was unable to obtain your extension from the voice mail system as I was not sure of your first name or correct spelling of your last. I was inadvertently in this procession as I was leaving work on 270 from Creve Coeur and proceeding on Hwy. 30 West. I have some issues and complaints. I called the Sheriff's office last night, but the officer in charge would not speak with me. His name was Corp. Curtis.

I am in no way complaining about your officers. I, however, was not treated very fairly when I called last evening because I wanted a ticket/complaint/or at least a slap on wrist for the people involved. Let me explain: 1) This procession should never have been held during rush hour traffic! Hwy. 270 is dangerous and people drive way too fast and there is too much traffic. This soldier's certainly would not have want his family hurt on the interstate taking him to Cedar Hill. People were dead-stopping on the interstate even though the procession was in the far right lane, the other three lanes just stopped. There were many near accidents and possibly were after I drove through.

I was in the 2nd to left lane, no way obstructing the funeral procession. 2) I exited off on Gravois (30 W), far right lane. Your police officers went in the left lane to stop any additional on-coming traffic so the procession could exit off 270 into the LEFT lane of 30. Again, I was in the right lane. The St. Louis County officer stopped and turned around at Weber Hill to return on 270 after the procession passed. 3) The road was not closed. (Only for president as far as I know.) Again, the road was not closed. Your officers only had the left lane blocked/closed for the funeral. All other traffic by MO law can proceed as long as they do not interfere (weave in and out )with funeral procession. Let me say, that I did not know what was happening. I knew the did not have Kennedy coming to STL, at least not yesterday. I was at work all day. No news. Nothing reported on the traffic on the radio driving home. Anyway, two of these dirty, nasty, renegade, who knows what motorcycle men that were escorting the procession proceeded to stop in front of me in the right lane on Gravois.

I had to stop in the middle of an intersection. They proceeded to scream and yell at me about respecting this soldier, etc. One of them climbed off his motorcycle and came over to me and stuck his head in my car continuing to scream at me. I asked him what this was for and he told me I needed to stop as the officers had the road blocked and show some dang respect. #1, the road was not blocked, the funeral was in the other lane. #2, I am proud of our country and sorry for the family, but they had no idea where I was going or anything else. I could have a child at day-care, I could have been sick and racing to the bathroom, I could have a sick parent waiting for me, etc., etc. #3, They are not law enforcement and had no right to stop in the lane on Gravois and they had no right to scream at me and intimidate and threaten me. If I would have had my pepper spray, I would have used it on this nasty man! He is just a big hoo ha that is not even related to this soldier.

The other man did not get off his scooter, but was along side of my passenger window screaming. I left an abusive husband 1 1/2 years ago and I did not need this intimidation. I was livid and shaking!! My son is a deputy sheriff in another MO county. I respect police officers. It was not their fault as they were busy with traffic, but I called to make them aware of what was going on during this thing. The St. Louis County officer saw it but of course he was out of jurisdiction. However, I called last night and your office asked me if I knew about this soldier. Again, I am sorry about him, but I am a taxpayer.

I got a speeding ticket a few months ago and paid the fine. I do not deserve to be treated like this. I wanted to let the officer know how these men were acting. Also, they were driving into the turnarounds on Hwy. 30 and then back onto the road. the funeral was much further ahead. One of them nearly got hit by me and other people almost hit him and another as well. I wanted to lodge a complaint about them why they were still there, but no one in your office would take any information or do anything.

This was not a military funeral, even though it was a soldier. There were not military vehicles. It was a funeral and the road was not closed, the lane was closed, I was in the other lane and again, these nasty men had no right to do this and I would have liked them to get a ticket! I am sorry for the soldier and his family but you cannot let these motorcycle renegades do this. They could have caused several accidents and I really wanted them arrested. If they had any respect for the soldier they would have dressed better and not looked and acted so scuzzy. Thank you.

To Citizen From Sheriff Boyer

From: Glenn Boyer/JEFFCO Date: 08/31/2009 02:05 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Funeral Procession - Yesterday p.m. --------------------------------------------------------------------Dear XXXXX:

Yes, you do deserve a response and I am willing to give you one. I would like to say that I am sorry for the inconvenience we caused you during the funeral procession of Sergeant 1st Class William B. Woods, but I cannot do so.

I would ask instead that you take a moment of your time to take into consideration the scope of the event. Your very right to complain was the reason Sgt. Woods fought for his country and ultimately gave his life; thus making the ultimate sacrifice for you and your family. Let me introduce you to him.

After high school, Sergeant Woods entered the Marine Corps. After his contract was up, he joined the Army, where he became a Green Beret. He comes from a long line of military members in his family. His Uncle is a Vietnam Veteran and two of his grandfathers were World War II Veterans. His job in the Army was one of the most dangerous jobs - he was a sniper looking for the bad guys to stop before they killed or injured one of our soldiers.

He has numerous decorations to include the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He grew up in Catawissa and was best known by his middle name, Brian. He enjoyed the outdoors, playing sports, and skydiving. He had a wife, Elizabeth, and two daughters, whom he loved dearly. He was a soft-spoken, level-headed young man who was proud to serve his country no matter what the risk.

Now, I did not know him, but I wish I did. I am quoting from newspaper articles written about him. At the young age of 31, he was shot during an engagement with Taliban forces in Ghanzi , Afghanistan . He died of his wounds in Germany on August 16, with his family by his side. He did not choose the time of his death, nor did he choose the time his remains would be brought back to his home in Catawissa. He just did his duty. He was quite a young man.

While you were being inconvenienced in your car on your way home, there were soldiers just like Sergeant Woods carrying 100+ pounds of equipment in 120 degree heat, up some mountain or in the middle of some desert. They will shower out of a helmet liner if they get the chance. They will eat a cold meal of MRE's; something most people would consider garbage. They cannot text their family or friends, or go to McDonalds, or watch TV. They can only continue the mission and look out after the guy to the left and right of them. They don't complain because they know they volunteered. The only thing they ask is that we do not forget the sacrifices they have made.

One of the dirty "big hoo ha" bikers, as you call them, was Brian's uncle, a Vietnam Veteran, like myself. We were not treated with a homecoming. We were spit on and called baby killers by a misguided public. Brian's uncle was giving him the respect that he, himself, never received when he came back and I, for one, am proud of him for doing so. You say that your brother is a deputy in another Missouri county. I am sure he would be proud to escort the casket of a fallen solder, the same as he would that of a fallen officer. I am also sure he would not agree with your complaint about being inconvenienced.

My mother recently passed away. She was a World War II Veteran, serving the U.S. Army. She would say, maybe you should pick up Sergeant Woods' ruck sack and carry on where he left off. Then you could see first hand what it really is to be inconvenienced. Per your request, I will forward your complaint to the Prosecuting Attorney's Office for his review.

It is my personal opinion that your complaint is self-serving and without merit.
Sheriff Oliver "Glenn" Boyer


I am not certain yet how I feel about Ellen DeGeneres as the new judge on American Idol. I guess she loves music enough, she is well spoken and she is the voice of the somewhat naked ear for music. But I just don't know yet. It will take some time for me.

In other reality news - a friend of mine's (Jennifer Vannatta Fisher) husband, JC, is part of the Texas Tenor's on America's Got Talent - see the photo. They will be competing in the top 10 on Monday for a million dollars and a show in Vegas. I had another friend win a million dollars on a reality show a few years ago- and dang I wish she were going to once again defeat on Survivor All Stars...... but I am afraid that isn't going to happen.

Reality shows are just funny nowadays. What started as the newest greatest phenomenon has almost turned into a nightmare for TV viewers. I think they have tried every idea in the book to make a new show a success. For me the only real reality shows are American Idol and Survivor. But I admit - sometimes you can catch me watching the Bachelor, Real World (weird I know) and any other show that just might be taking up a perfectly good spot for a great new series.

I have known several people over the past fews years in reality TV: Melana Scantlin on Average Joe, Larissa Meek on Average Joe 2, Shandi Finnessey on Dancing with the Stars, Danni Boatwright on Survivor and now JC Fisher on America's Got Talent. It is a weird feeling to be sitting there watching TV and see an aquaintance (and in Danni's case - a very good friend - see Danni in the photos with her enemy Stephanie) on the screen playing, dancing, singing or dating their hearts out.

I don't think I could make it on reality TV - I know I would die on Survivor, couldn't dance my way out of a paper bag on Dancing with the Stars, get pulled off the stage with a big hook on American Idol or America's Got Talent and I would never date a guy on a reality show (One because I am married and two because they are all ego-driven jerks.)

But I encourage everyone I know to go for the reality show of their dreams. It becomes instant entertainment for me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Once Upon a Mattress....

After several months of pain when I would awake each morning to begin my day, Blaine and I finally went mattress shopping. We only were "looking" not "purchasing." But only after two short hours of laying on a million mattresses all of which were 10 times better than ours, we pulled the trigger. Once upon a mattress - welcome to Snoozeville!

We had to leave it in the store for one more night of despair on our old mattress, but after a short mishap last night (another story below), Blaine was off to fetch our new heavenly dream-getter. Let me be the first to admit - a new mattress takes a little getting used to....especially when you have sleeping in a hole.

Blaine asked me this morning, "so what's the verdict?" I said, "I felt like I was sleeping on a brick." Ironically, that was a good thing!

I can guess after a couple of weeks, I will be saying, "Once upon a mattress, I finally had a good night's sleep!"

** BONUS STORY ** And now to the mishap from last night. Bottom line - Katie, our Yorkie, got in trouble.

While Blaine was loading the old mattress to dispose of it because Lord knows no one would ever want to use it, Katie decided it was time she run away from home. With orange bow nicely placed on her head, she darted out the door.

By the time I got home from work, Katie had been missing for about 40 minutes with no indication of what direction she had gone. We searched and searched, the neighbors were out looking, passersby stopped to help - I bet I walked 10 miles in the snow around the neighborhood....nothing. (Okay 10 miles and snow is stretching it a bit especially since it is summer in Missouri and 75 degrees out- but that is what my butt and legs feel like today.)

Just short of two hours later, Blaine spotted her among the trees and bushes across the street. When he yelled out, "Katie, let's go" she fell over dead that is.

Remember that cute bow on her head - not so cute anymore as it is sideways barely hanging on. I wasn't there when she crawled back home like she had been beaten. I was down the hill trying to make my way back up - if you have seen the hill in my neighborhood, you know that you don't want to walk up and down it too many times.

But all turned out well: Katie is home and the mattress is making home better.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Brix!!

As promised - here is a photo of my little buddy, Brix, the rock star! My pal, Shandon called last night to report that momma and baby are doing great.

I got this Rock Star blanket for Brix. Knowing the Smith's, I think it will fit him well.

Rock on, Brix. Rock on!