
Monday, June 8, 2009

I want to go back!

Here is one of our family photos taken on the beach. I want to go back!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A 12 Hour Ride...well worth it!

Posted via cell phone -
I always dread a long car ride. But I can tell you that one week ago today when Blaine and I hit the highway for Gulf Shores, it was like heaven. My anticipation nearly got the best of me. Just knowing that my fellow beach-goers were there already made me jittery all over.

Today the 12 hour drive back to Missouri hasn't been all that bad either. It has been a great time to reflect on the fabulous time I had. I just love this yearly vacation with my family. Maybe it is just knowing that I will get to see them for a full week. Maybe it is not needing to check my phone because everyone that might need me is there with me. But mostly its the giggles, full blown laughter and relaxation.

We did it all this week:
- me and Mom got burnt and recovered to a tan at least 4 times.
- we watched dolphins and sting rays from our condo balcony.
- we took family photos on the beach - I can't wait to get these.
- the guys went deep sea fishing; the girls enjoyed the day of nothing. We had fish for dinner...yum!
- we toured Fort Morgan (very cool) and enjoyed lunch at Tacky Jack's.
- we hung out at the Hangout and me, Julie and Nia danced to the band. Rock on, Cupid Shuffle.
- Pink Pony...yep went there too.

Today Blaine and I decided to step up our souvenirs a notch. Blaine bought a Kubota lawn mower (a good deal so I am told.) I am traveling home with an antique curio-like cabinet for our basement bar. (Great deal for me). I am certain my family thinks we are officially nuts for these purchases....Some people pack extra suitcases for souvenirs; we rent U-Hauls!

As our Gulf Shores journey comes to an end (for this year), I know I am truly blessed to be able to spend these days with some of my favorite people in the world.
Tomorrow we are back to Jeff City and back to work on Monday. But we all have tans, our stomach muscles have to be more toned from the laughter, sand is still all over everything and we are already planning for next year. Can't wait for another Moore family adventure!!

(* photos will be coming soon.)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dolphins, Sting Rays and Baywatch Babes

We are finally on the family vacation in Gulf Shores and loving it. This morning I woke up to sounds of the ocean outside my door and the site of dolphins frolicking in the ocean. Beautiful site. Just to think - we paid for a dolphin cruise last year that we would any amount of money to NOT go on this year. We saw more dolphins this morning than the dolphin cruise does in a year.

Amidst the dolphins were schools of stingrays gliding along. I don't love stingrays quite as much as dolphins (for obvious reasons), but that was really cool to see. One stingray was too cool for school though and tried to scare some beach-goers. Interesting....

And then there are the Baywatch babes.....but none hotter than our own, Shania. Here she is.....I am not sure what she is running to (a cute boy somewhere?) or running from (a shark....hello Jaws), but nonetheless....she's cute.

Until next time.......oh, I love the sun.