Monday I walked into my office to be greeted by this nice, attractive picture.
Yep - that's a large photo of a monkey. Yep - it is hanging on my wall. Yep - I knew the culprit.
You see..in agricutlure you just sometimes work with the darndest things - but monkies aren't one of them that we deal with.
We do regulate dog kennels and ironically you just sometimes come across a puppy mill that happens to have a few monkies. Some have adopted the motto - "We don't monkies!" I even took it a step further and posted this motto in a couple of offices in my buidling.
And this, my friends, is how I was repaid for my motto posting. Sometimes it is things like this that help you through the day. I laughed hysterically and Mr. Monkey even accompanied me to my first meeting of the morning. He sat propped up in the chair beside me for all of my co-peeps to see. Rock on, Mr. Monkey, Rock on.
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