
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I just love these quizzes.

What is your favorite color of gummy bear? Red. Actually I will just about eat any type of gummy bear.
Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about? I sing “Potty Like a Rock Star” when I take my dog, Katie, outside – does that count?
Ever had a song sang about/for you? Oh….I am so not going to go there.
Do you know how to dance? Like nobody is watchin”!!
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? Whenever and wherever the tune hits me. Like right now - Poker Face by Lady Gaga is going through my mind. P-p-p-poker face.
What is your favorite thing that is green? The popular thing to say is money – which I love. But I also love my landscaping right now too. When it is green – it’s alive – and I love that I haven’t killed it yet.....yes I said yet.
What is the way to your heart? Food most definitely – or jewelry from Tiffany’s. I am shallow like that. Hee hee.
What do you smell like? Right now – like Mango Sorbetto lip gloss. I just put some on.
What's in your pocket? Nothing but lint.
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? I hate to admit this but yes! I have hurt my arm on baseball and my leg hurts after about 10 songs on the Rock Band drums.
How many languages can you say "Hello" in? I think just three – Hello and Hola and "valley girl" hhhheeeellllo???(stupid)
What's the last movie you saw in the theater? Twilight – gotta love a pale vampire
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Maybe not a pool but the lake for sure. I have had bruises to prove it.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language? Almost...I can at least yell profanities in sign language.
What word do you use when people pass gas? Oooohhhhgross…didyoujustdothat?Blagh! Long word I know.
What was your favorite childhood show? Fraggle Rock - Red was my favorite.
What was your first job? My first real job was Sno Biz – boy could I really create a snow cone.
Do you sleep well at night? With or without my hubby next to me? With or without the snoring? With or without the dog barking? Okay fine....with earplugs I sleep like a baby.

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