Pageants for me was more than prancing around on the stage in a swimsuit or pretty evening gown. I learned so much about myself and others during all of my years in pageantry. I learned how to think on my feet, overcame any shyness I could possibly have, met some incredible people and still remain friends with a few, learned that you win some but lose so many more and understood the true meaning of carrying yourself with pride - no matter the outcome. Sure there were tears and moments of regret, but those experiences taught me more than I could have ever learned in college about people.
Although I don't share many of my experiences with the world (because people can be very judgemental) and I am guarded at who knows what I did with my life prior to hitting the age of 27, all of these things shaped who I am. I have chosen not to share so many experiences with others just due to the simple fact that people like to judge you for petty things such as pageantry/modeling. I have experienced negativity more often than not, but I am proud to be me.
I am happy that I had all of those experiences - even if the ultimate crown never hit my head. It was never about the crown anyway - it was about opportunity and experiences. I didn't win Miss Missouri like I had hoped for so many years. But I did find the experiences and moments that shaped me, allowed me to grow into a very talkative person, taught me to walk in 4 inch heels down a set a stairs gracefully, showed me the many great things you can do with duck tape and butt glue, taught me to tease my hair to be as big as Marge Simpsons and gave me an incredible selection of evening wear that I haven't touched since but long to wear.
I have found that once a pageant girl, always a pageant girl - and I have grown to love and accept that. As I walked down the aisle on my wedding day ending my pageant career and committing to share my life forever with a pageant hater, my dad said to me "this time when you walk down (the runway), you will not be 1st runner up." Those exact words give me courage to this day. Sometimes you win, sometimes you become 1st runner up. In the end, it is about the journey.
Now here is a little something I vowed never to do. But I have a great, great friend that begs to see my old pageant tapes. Since that is NEVER going to happen - Melissa, these photos are for you!
Here I am in my final Miss Missouri pageant awaiting the results. The results didn't turn out like I had
Can you believe that I have black hair here? (I am the one in the b
lack dress.) In this lineup are two Average Joe stars (Melana Scantlin & Larissa Meek) and the girl second from the left went on eventually to win Miss USA and host shows on the Game Show Network.
(Momma Moore - quit rolling your eyes...... hee hee hee.)
So that's my pageant experience.
Misti!! Thank you for posting the pics! You were - and still are - gorgeous! I love the pageant parties. Call me a wannabe. Momma Moore..if you ever need someone to share those tapes with...I'm your girl!
Oh I have tapes,18 years of them to be exact. I am so proud my girl decided to let people know what she did, it was truly an adventure, but one I glad to be on. And even tho Blaine did not like pageants he was a real trouper and you have to love him for that
Ladies, ladies - hold your horses. There will be NO tape watching!!
Isn't she awesome Momma Moore? Horses? I don't have any horses. I do however have 18 years of tapes rearing to be watched. Ok...that was a bad pun!
Well, well, Misti finally let the cat out of the bag and I am glad. She should have been the winner, but, whatever. Momma Moore, we can put those tapes to good use. Actually, I think she ought to put a few more of her pics out here for us to see. I think Katie would be proud of her too. LOL. Denise
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