You have to read this amazing story and see the movie (if and when it ever comes out of Hollywood.) If this does make it to the big screen, I want to play Casey's hot wife, Danni. (Just kidding...I could never get that skinny!)
Here is a tidbit of the article:
Falcons rising after tornado
PARKERSBURG, Iowa — "You know they're going to make a movie about this, don't you?" — Jared DeVries to Broncos starting center Casey Wiegmann. When Hollywood gets hold of the story of Parkersburg, Iowa, the little town that could, the final shot undoubtedly will be of the Falcons joyfully hoisting the 2008 high school state championship trophy. At some point though, perhaps early in the film, an artistic cinematographer might focus on the signage. Not the flashing message at the local branch of the Iowa State bank, which on this day reads that the drive-through window will be closed for repairs. Or the "School XX-ing" crudely painted on the street — really the only indication of any sort that there was a school anywhere in the vicinity.Read the whole article here:
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