
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On the boat again...

One of my favorite Willie Nelson songs is "On the Road Again." Okay, I admit - that is the only Willie Nelson song that I like, really, at all. During my country hoedown days (that I still lean towards every now and then), I was an Alabama singing, lighter waving in the air, country type of gal - back when I was four years old. (Now if that ain't a country song, I've never heard one, ya'll.) But every now and then, I still love my country roots.

As I was thinking about my weekend plans, I began singing a more appropriate version of the Willie favorite...."On the boat again. -Just can't wait to get on the boat again. The life I love is making music with my friends. And I can't wait to get on the boat again." Now everybody sing - "OOONNNN the boat again......Just can't wait to get oooonnn the boat agaaaainn. The life we love is making music with our frrrieeennds.....And I can't wait to get oooonn the boat agaaaaain!" Yee-Haw!!
Our lake summer begins May 3. Look out Shorty Pants, here we come!!

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