
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Burnin' Rubber

Lately, I have been burnin' up the highway between here in Springfield. I am pretty sure that the guy on the side of the road in Lebanon trying to sell pizza's for $5 is tired of seeing this crazy girl go by. The house adventure has steared us South for 3 weekends in a row now. I love Springfield, don't get me wrong, but a girl can only drive down and back in twenty-four hours only so many times.

This time, I made the venture myself. Blaine is in Las Vegas this week working on his tan and I am taking care of all of the manly duties - like loading up some lumber in the pick-up truck and delivering it back to Jeff City.

I drove down Sunday for some shopping time with Mom, Julie and Shania. And I will say that I did find many things that I neeeeed. I swear, I need them. I did purchase some great things so my momma can show me how to make fabulous flower arrangments. (It is perfect time that she is taking flower arranging classes this spring and summer. She has got some skills.)

On Monday, I hopped in the Ford truck and headed to the lumber company. After they loaded my 4 million pounds of lumber and the Ford truck was now on its two back wheels, and after my mom's eyes almost popped out of her head for pure nervousness, we trucked it down the road. I dropped off Mom and headed back to Jeff City.

My manly duties are done for the week. BLAINE - COME BACK HOME SOON!!!!

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