
Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Boy is Back in Town!!

Hallelujah! Blaine is back and assuming his contractor duties rather nicely. I got a phone call today where he told me that our plumber had rolled his bobcat down our backyard. Now if you haven't heard about our backyard....I will just say that I will not even need a sled to go flying down it in the winter. Brice the plumber is fine - but it sure freaked me out just to hear the story!

Thank goodness this happened on Blaine's time....if it would have happened while I was around I would have quit my contractor duties all together!! Ring...Ring..."Is this Jason Watts? What are your doing for the next 3 months?"

(This is Blaine tearing those pesky stickers off of our windows...I will never understand why one little window needs six stickers permanently pressed on to it. Ugh.)

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