
Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Finally Did It....

I changed $500 (okay - not THAT much) to cut bangs (Cha-Ching!) I have been talking about it for a while - at least to myself. I was admiring Reese Witherspoon, Tyra Banks and now Heidi Klum. They are all hot women - and I wanted to look like them too. Okay fine, I am just a little bigger than them (okay a lot bigger), but I thought bangs would compliment my round face nicely.
So I called Brad (my hairdresser) and he chopped away.
I left my office yesterday looking somewhat like this:

And I returned to work looking somewhat like this:

I cannot decide if I love it or hate it. I am leaning towards liking it. I know my momma will love it - she has been trying to talk me into it for quite some time.
No one screamed in terror when I returned to work - so I guess it's okay. I wonder what the hubby will say...That will teach him to not leave me home alone too much.
I guess if I decide not to like will grow out soon enough.
It is all about style, baby!

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